Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Hola a tothom.

Després de temps sens escriure res, penjo això. És una il·lustració per a un punt de llibre. Com podeu veure, és un calamar. Però molt gros.

I Com que em queda un munt d'espai, us cito una coseta:

"There is still doubt about just how big giant squids get. Both eyewitness sightings and sucker scars on sperm whales seem to indicate that there are squids much bigger than any dead body we currently have. Most scientists refuse to believe that squids that huge could exist. Is there more than one species of giant squid out there, with one of them being really, really huge? Are the giant squids that have been netted near the surface or that have washed up on beaches the smaller ones?"
(extret de la web



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey Edu!

Thanks for your appreciation of my stuff. I looked at your works, and saw a giant squid and H P Lovecraft on the same page, so you can't be lying about liking my stuff. Thanks for that look into another mind like my own!! Your works are masterful!

You should check out my flickr archive ( ) and you should probably start a site there of your own. It's a great free archive.

Thanks again for your communication!
Best regards!!
